Sims 3 renovation which room

Val accepts the contract, and can choose to go now or later. Once Val arrives to the Knack house, she gets in position outside to stay out of the way , and we enter Buy Mode. A copy of the contract, complete with a checklist of the requirements, is in the top-left corner of the screen. I cycle through the house, and… man, Pattina is loaded!

There are no rooms that are free inside the house. I have the freedom to move stuff around though: this is Buy Mode with no limitations. Here is her living room on the first floor as seen when I first get here…. All I essentially did was shove the two living chairs and bookcase in the corner, moved the central sofas a half-tile closer to the fireplace, and put the new stuff against the inner walls.

Took me less than two minutes! Val is paid her base pay plus a small bonus for coming in under budget so dramatically. Val is then asked if she wants to take a picture now for her portfolio. I agree to take the picture immediately, which was actually stupid: Val takes a picture on her cell phone, but she does this from her current position , i.

Heck, Val could have taken a picture of a tree and it still would have counted as adding to her portfolio. Note that if you do elect to take the picture later, you forfeit the chance to take it the moment you leave the lot. Being an architectural designer is a bit of a repetitive job. Val takes each one, but soon runs into a problem: a repeat customer!

Well, the problem here is that Val has already pretty much maxed out what she can do inside without a complete overhaul. So, Val does the next best thing…. She puts the studio outside on the back patio! Val decides to up the ante on her next contract. Wolf has a small room on the first floor that would make for a good book nook, but it has a bar and some bar stools in the way. So Val has a final solution: she sells it all off. Selling objects like this actually adds money to the budget.

Clearly, Val has a lot of freedom in what she can do. Once Valerie hits Level 8 of her career track, she gains a command where she can talk to clients about their desired renovations before getting to work…. Getting promoted as an architectural designer is actually pretty easy. Every morning, the first thing you need to do is perform any outstanding contracts.

If you have a high relationship with the client, you might be able to get away with more, especially if he invites you to do something. The outside of the home has also recieved a facelift to make it a little brighter. Save file. Add to Favorites. Remove Favorite. Recommend It. Report Item. Here is a renovation of the Monotone, a starter home in Sunset Valley. Tropical Leaves of Repose Ever wanted to own a giant leaf in a giant vase?

Glass Birdie Delicate and beautiful this hand blown glass bird is so detailed you can almost hear it's song come to life. Rustic Loaf Box If you can actually resist eating fresh-baked bread from the oven, keep the loaf in here. Coffee Tray with Book Accents Who says books are for reading and coffee trays are for serving coffee?

Leaves of Tears Something is to be said when you have a vase full of leaves that are just pouring out like tears. Colossal Curtain Decorate your bare windows with a pair of Colossal Curtains that will enchance the looks of your room. Add as a Friend. Other Exchange Items by thetideschanging :. Coastal Dreams Views Downloads Recommendations. Russet Victoria Bayside Breeze Views Downloads Recommendations. Villa Vigneto Views Downloads 64 Recommendations.

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