Should i teach pignite rollout

In this respect, Tepig is sort of a glass cannon. Tepig is really useful early in the game, but as you go on you'll start to realize that he can't really fight as wide a range of opponents that Snivy or Oshawott could have given the right mount of attention.

Tepig evolves into Pignite at level Upon evolving his type will change from fire, to fire-fighting. Pignite then evolves into Emboar at level With Tepig you want to run a moveset that compliments his "hit their weak point for massive damage" playstyle. Basically you'll be running a fire move, a fighting move, and 2 attacks for hitting what those aren't effective against. If Pignite uses defense curl before using Rollout, it will deal even more damage, which is always a good thing.

Rock Slide does more damage right from the get-go, and doesn't take up two moveslots. Posted by Noah at PM. Email This BlogThis! Anonymous July 6, at PM. Anonymous January 6, at AM.

Unknown September 2, at AM. Anonymous February 23, at AM. Anonymous October 20, at PM. Answer her with the third option Tepig and then say yes to get Charcoal. Immediately equip the Charcoal. Go to the museum to face N. Heal up to HP. Optionally, disregard the Guard Spec. If you're not confident enough in trying the Blaze strats above, then here's a safer strat for which you can heal to full before the fight note that this also most likely requires using the Center in Striaton to have enough Tackle PP :.

Go inside and enjoy a tour of the museum, then go into the gym. If you are in Blaze range, do not heal. Receive gym badge and TM67 Retaliate. After enjoying another event, head for Pinwheel Forest. Talk to Burgh and run past the double battle trainers. Pansage must be dead to allow you to skip these two. Fight the first two Team Plasma Grunts. Approach the grass and use a Repel. Head directly to Burgh's gym. Follow Burgh around for a bit until you encounter Team Plasma again.

Go inside and listen to some more drivel, then head to the gym. If you get poisoned during the gym battles, don't bother healing unless you are somehow low on health. Receive gym badge and TM76 Struggle Bug. Exit the gym and enjoy a phone call with Bianca. Use one Super Potion if you're below about half HP.

Stop at the sand just north of the nearby NPC. Heal to full and use a Repel, then pick up the X Accuracy to the left. At this point, you need to know your Flame Charge PP.

If you have fewer than 8 Flame Charge PP, head north and then west to pick up the Ether along the fence. Otherwise, you can skip it and run along the east instead.

Continue past several spinners to Nimbasa City. In the menu, in order: heal to full, un-register the Medicine bag, register the Bicycle, teach Return to Pignite replacing Rollout and teach Work Up to Pignite replacing Ember. Also, if you picked up the Ether on Route 4, take this opportunity to use it on Flame Charge; or, if you need, use the Center. Head to the amusement park and enjoy a romantic encounter with N.

Get on your bike and head to the gym. If you get paralyzed or seriously damaged during a gym battle, heal in-battle. Using the menu outside a battle will cause you to miss the roller coaster cycles, wasting time. Receive gym badge and TM72 Volt Switch. Head to the musical and enjoy some dress-up with Bianca, then a touching moment with her father.

Head towards Route 5, stopping to heal up right before you exit the gate room. Enjoy the brief cutscene as Clay lowers the drawbridge.

Turn up your volume so you can clearly hear soft noises, then get on the bridge. Farm the shadowy spots until you encounter a Ducklett.

Chuck Ultra Balls at it. Head for Driftveil City. Head south for the Cold Storage. Dodge all the trainers inside and enter the storage container to find Zinzolin and face some more Team Plasma Grunts.

Start with the center grunt and proceed to the right. Rest your hands while Clay escorts the bad guys away, then head out and up to his gym. Enjoy another scene, then enter the gym. Heal to full before facing the first trainer. Receive gym badge.

Head towards Route 6, only to be intercepted by Bianca. Stop before entering the grass and use a Max Repel. Dodge the spinners on the way north, stopping between the two scientists at the Season Research Lab to pick up the Elixir in the grass to the south. Enjoy some conversations with N and Bianca, then receive the Lucky Egg. Move on, dodging spinners and such until your Repel wears off.

When it does, use another Max Repel, and equip the Lucky Egg. Head downstairs and begin the first Team Plasma gauntlet. Adjust your move selection on the fly in the cavern to satisfy these requirements. When your Repel wears off, continue north until you have to enter the grass again. Proceed and fight the only required trainer in the tower. Continue to the top, avoiding all the trainers on the second and third floors you can tap B to force them to change their facing; they are not spinners.

Enjoy some conversation with Skyla, ring the bell, then Fly back to Mistralton City. Head to the gym. Receive gym badge and TM62 Acrobatics. Head out and enjoy some insane ramblings from N, then head for Route 7 again, where you'll find Cheren right outside Twist Mountain.

Receive HM03 Surf from Alder, then park yourself right before the trainer. Use a Max Repel. Fight the trainer, then enter the cave. It's winter, so just skip the entire damn thing as shown in the gif below. Along the way, stop to pick up a Rare Candy in a snow bank gif forthcoming. Enjoy some conversations with Clay and Cheren as you go. Talk to the lady just to the left to receive TM31 Brick Break. Head to the gym, stopping on the way there to pick up the Rare Candy just over the snow mound to the south.

Clip through the rock to skip the final trainer, as in this video: Video. Receive gym badge and TM79 Frost Breath. Head out and enjoy an event with Brycen and the Shadow Triad, then head north for the tower. Use a Max Repel upon entering.

Head upstairs and begin the second Team Plasma gauntlet. Upon landing in Nimbasa, get on the bike and hoof it for Route 4. Head for the Relic Castle, being careful not to step in the sand until you need to.


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