I believe we can work through these issues if we communicate honestly with each other. I have my ideas of what I think should be the components of a good and emotionally satisfying marital relationship.
However, I would appreciate your thoughts on what constitutes a loving marriage that is joyous for both parties. Views and definitions of marriage have also changed significantly over the centuries and decades. But where did marriage come from? Generally, everyone understands that the meaning of marriage is when two people make a public pledge or commitment to live together and share their lives in a way that is recognized legally, socially and sometimes religiously.
In simple words, the meaning of marriage is nothing but sharing of two lives entails myriads of facets involving bonding of their bodies, souls and spirits in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual union. So when it comes to finding the true meaning of marriage , which is happy and fulfilling, and finding answers to questions like what does God say about marriage? Or what does marriage mean to you?
What is the true meaning of the concept of marriage? When two individuals decide to get married, there has to be some level of agreement between them. In the past, this agreement may have been reached by the family members in the case of an arranged marriage. Nowadays, however, it is generally the couple themselves who make the decision and reach the agreement to spend the rest of their lives together. The couple needs to agree on what kind of legal marriage contract they will use, such as the community of property or an ante-nuptial contract.
Some other important agreements would include whether or not to have children together, and if so how many. They need to agree on how they will practice and express their faith and what they will teach their children.
Once you get married, you realize that it is no longer all about you. In your single days, you could make your own plans, come and go as you chose, and basically make most of your decisions according to your own wishes and desires. Now that you are married you have a spouse to consider twenty-four seven.
Whether it is what to cook or buy for dinner, what to do over weekends, or where to go on holidays — both of your opinions now carry weight.
In this sense, a happy marriage is one of the best antidotes to selfishness. Marriages which work the best and render the most satisfaction are those where both partners are one hundred percent committed, wholeheartedly seeking the happiness and wellbeing of their spouse. The philosophy of a fifty-fifty marriage does not lead to fulfillment and contentment.
By the terms, freeman and freewoman in this definition are meant, not only that they are free and not slaves, but also that they are clear of all bars to a lawful marriage. A valid marriage is not seen as valid if the persons involved are not legally able to enter a contract.
This includes:. These do not invalidate the marriage, because in these cases the error is only of some quality or accident, and not in the person. When the marriage is obtained by force or fraud, it is clear that there is no consent; it is, therefore, voided, and may be treated as null by the court in which its validity may incidentally be called in question.
Generally, all persons who are of sound mind, and have arrived at years of maturity, are able to contract marriage. There are many exceptions to this rule including:.
Common law requires no particular ceremony to validate a celebration of marriage. It is my privilege and right to encourage her to become more Christ-like in her attitude, speech, behaviour, and every day life.
I am to minister to her daily. I am to appreciate her in public. This will give great testimony to our marriage and will give outsiders a high view of how wonderful my wife is. I am never to speak negatively about my wife to anyone — friend or family — or to tell others of her flaws or weaknesses.
I am to build her up in the eyes of others. Any negative things should be discussed between my wife and I only, and resolved between the two of us and before God Almighty.