Big cyber hugs! Brilliantly written. You are real. Speak up for you and your family. I hate that this happened and am shocked that even now Wonder if our children will think the same thing in years? This was a shocking story for me as well. While I don't have any jewish ties, it still saddens me taht there is this much hatred in the world. I am sorry your family members had to go through this and are now being treated as if they went through nothing at all.
My family was on the other side of this war. My great grandfather came to the states before Hitler took power, but had he not he probably would have been part of the Nazi movement. Not by choice but by necessity.
It sickens me to even think that. My thoughts are with all those that knew Johns, your family that went through that horrible tragedy, and with you. Be proud of who you are and always stick up for your heritage, family, and beliefs. I still can't get over this, and the slaying of the doctor who provided late term abortions. The amount of hate in the world has me stunned. I had not heard about this, It is so sad to think that people can hold so much hatred.
I will never be able to understand how people can hate someone because of race, religion, orientation, or culture. Good post, thank you for sharing this. What happened was incredibly sad, and it sucks that people still have so much hate in them these days Thank you for writing about Johns and making him real for people.
This shooting was horrific and disgusting and I cannot believe that shit like this is still occuring in our world. When is racism going to die out?! Its time people!!! Thank you so much for sharing your heart in this post. It's not often that the news makes me cry perhaps I've become desensitized to it all , but when I heard about this story it just broke my heart.
Every morning when I would leave for school I would exit the building and hear the shouts and laughter of the children playing at the elementary school across the street.
A few weeks after I moved in, I noticed a small plaque on the wall of the school. Curious, I read it. It was a plaque honoring the hundreds of Jewish children who were taken from the school during the war and never returned. It's a little thing, but it completely changed me. I think that we assume that because so much time has passed the world has changed entirely.
I'm so saddened by this story, because it's proof that the world hasn't changed as much as we would hope. I really appreciate everyone's insightful comments. Thanks so much for listening reading and for sharing your own thoughts. You have all helped me gain a better understanding of my own feelings about this tragic event. I'm a couple days late, but wanted to say that this was a great post.
It's the first thing I've read where anyone affected has responded I, too, don't understand how people can deny something like the Holocaust. It changed so many people's lives forever. I'm sending you a hug! That was a horrible day. I couldn't believe it when that happened. What a beautiful, powerful post you've written here, though. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, SITSta. On Wednesday morning, year-old Stephen Tyrone Johns woke up and put on his uniform, carefully placing his hat and tightly lacing his boots.
He probably rode the Metro to work that morning, with his mind occupied on the mundane details of his life-- What do I have to do this weekend? What's for lunch in the cafeteria at work today? Should I switch to satelliet? The Metro doors opened at Smithsonian Station and Johns stepped off.
It was a day just like any other. Except it wasn't. Johns watched as tourists passed through the metal detectors and he searched their bags carefully following protocol. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Suddenly, around 1 p. He opened fire in the crowded vestibule. Five or six shots are fired, Johns has been shot. The wound is fatal. Just like that a man's life is over. Patients who suffer from iron overload store the extra iron in their livers. Over time, this extra iron can cause liver damage--including cirrhosis. It is important to treat hemochromatosis as early as possible to avoid serious organ damage. Home Remedies. Multivitamins typically contain an iron component, so ensure you know what yours provides.
In addition, Vitamin C supplements are known to increase the body's absorption of iron, so both should be avoided. It is recommended the hemochromatosis sufferers avoid alcohol because alcohol can damage the liver, creating a very dangerous combination. Raw shellfish should also be avoided to reduce the possibility of infections sometimes caused by consuming them.
Squinty the Comical Pig Richard Barnum. Ramona Helen Hunt Jackson. How to Know the Ferns S. Leonard Bastin. Hilda Lessways Arnold Bennett. Citing Wikipedia :. Many actuaries were unhappy with the stereotypical portrayals of these actuaries as unhappy, math-obsessed and socially inept people; others have claimed that the portrayals are close to home , if a bit exaggerated.
Nor the definition in Wiktionary :. Is Wikipedia misusing the term? Or are those definitions wrong? Or am I misunderstanding these definitions?
The primary usage is that a joke, insult or story ends up being significantly personal. The phrase is using the description of "home" to mean something from your culture or childhood. A good example would be making a fat joke about someone who was once obese. It doesn't matter if it is no longer true; the joke hits close to home. The cultural distance can come into play stronger than a personal history when making requests for things like food, art, music: "These cookies are good but I was hoping for something closer to home.
And the phrase is used to describe accuracy which is what is being used in your original quote. In this case, "home" is describing the current state of home, culture or personal details. In a certain sense, this usage is implying that it should hit close to home because it is true — regardless if it actually does cause those feelings.
Most people use the phrase to explain an unexpected or extreme reaction to something. This ends up landing somewhere between the description of the feelings and commentary on the accuracy of whatever was said. If it hadn't hit close to home, why the reaction? And why would it hit close to home if it was not true?
Because of this, it is hard to call the original quote incorrect but I would agree that it is stretching the usage of "close to home" a little but I would chalk it up to trying to apply a personal level of feeling to an accusation of an entire group of people.