What does frfr mean on facebook

Could i replace the speakers with FRFR? Anyone have experience with this? If yes, What are some brands to look up? A guitar via a distorted guitar amp - connected to a regular linear speaker - would sound very bad - much to much high frequencies and fizz. If you own a KPA or any other modeler switch off the cabinet simulation and you will see hear The typical guitar speaker cuts off a lot of the very unpleasant high frequencies and - the resulting sound can be great if all the rest is great.

So when you play your KPA via an regular linear speaker or headphone the results is as great as the original chain amp, speaker, mic, You can, but it probably won't sound very good. Your best bet in this case would be to get the most neutral-sounding guitar speakers possible rather than something that's actually FRFR, but I think most folk on here would agree that you're better off saving that cash for a proper setup.

There are a ton of cheaper options that sound decent, and several not-crazy-expensive ones that sound awesome - Xitone and Atomic CLR come to mind. Sadly, it has been my experience that the many guitar players pay little or no attention to the FOH sound. There is a widely held belief that what you hear from your guitar amp is what the audience hears. This is simply not true for a wide array of reasons.

Microphones make a huge difference in your sound. Crappy microphone, crappy FOH sound. Microphone placement also makes a pretty big difference. The FOH speakers being used as well as the channel eq you have on the mixer also color your guitar sound.

Musicians that rely on their guitar cabs alone smaller bands in smaller bars usually generally blast one part of the audience the people the speaker is pointing at and can't be clearly heard anywhere else. I am a pretty senior engineer and have been watching and waiting for someone to come along who remembered their signal and systems processing classes to create a guitar processor exactly like the KPA.

A good powered speaker and the KPA makes for a pretty incredible sounding rig. I don't even do this that much. To drive this point home, we need not look further than online conversations happening currently. It is more commonly used in text than it is used in actual speech.

It is informal, and using it with your boss is the fastest way to come across as unprofessional. Secondly, this word is way more popular in text format than it is in speech. In fact, not many people use it in speech, and if you use it while talking, people might find it strange.

You: Not this time. If you are trying to study while your roommate is playing their musical instrument in the next room, this might make it hard for you to focus. But, I have an exam tomorrow, and I frfr need to study to pass. If two students are discussing their presentation for the next day, this might be the conversation they have together. Friend 1: You need to get a move on frfr. If you and your friend are talking about visiting another colleague who has just had a medical operation, the text conversation might go something like this.

This one is used during special contexts. Specifically, you can use it if you feel someone is not being on the level with you. However, your friend is being dodgy, giving you this long-winded story about how they went out with your book in their backpack and …. The difference is merely a matter of emphasis though it may seem pedantic to some. Frfr is used for emphasis to imply honesty and sincerity. It can also be used to express something genuine, or to drive a point home.

It can be used to show agreement, or to express disbelief. There is even one rapper who has put frfr into his name — Kalan. Additionally, as it relates to audio and guitars, FRFR stands for full range, flat response, according to Andertons. This means that this type of speaker can handle any range of tines or frequencies and attempts to project the signal cleanly and accurately.

They are very versatile and guitarists ten to like that they can plug in anywhere and produce the same sound every time. However, compared to a traditional guitar cab, an FRFR speaker may sound a bit naked or flat. It does not provide a warm tone. However, FRFR speakers definitely have a place in the music industry.

Carvin Audio states that the most obvious difference between FRFR speakers and PA speakers is that for FRFR speakers, they are marketed to guitarists and designed to look like a classic guitar cabinet or speaker cab. PA speakers, on the other hand, are meant to be inconspicuous. Frfr can be used to express honesty. If someone is being accused of something, someone could use the phrase frfr to insist their innocence.

For example, Jane was house sitting for Marie. After Marie returned home, she could not find her laptop anywhere. Marie texts Jane:. Learn about premium features. Tired of searching? HiNative can help you find that answer you're looking for. Register for free. Solve your problems more easily with the app!


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