What does comic sans mean

It is not very suitable for e-mails, body text, presentations, name cards for anyone over 12 or corporate communication. However, in a team of Princeton psychologists did a series of tests on disfluency — making material harder to learn to improve long-term learning and retention. In the study, the researchers changed the fonts on supplementary classroom material, such as PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and worksheets.

For certain tests, the usual Helvetica and Arial were replaced by a variety of disfluent formats, such as Monotype Corsiva, Comic Sans Italics, and Haettenshweiler. After several weeks the students were tested on their retention of the material.

In every class except chemistry, the students in the disfluent condition performed significantly better than those in the control-fluent condition. Partly because its ubiquity has led to such misuse or at least to uses far beyond its original intentions. And partly because it is so irritably simple, so apparently written by a small child. Helvetica is everywhere and simple too, but it usually has the air of modern Swiss sophistication about it, or at least corporate authority.

Comic Sans just smirks at you, and begs to be printed in multiple colours. Perhaps the most comic thing about Comic Sans is that it was never designed as a font for common use. It was intended merely as a perfect solution to a small corporate problem. It was created in by Vincent Connare, who worked at Microsoft with the title of "typographic engineer".

In , Connare looked at his computer screen and saw something strange. He was clicking his way through an unreleased trial copy of Microsoft Bob, a software package designed to be particularly user-friendly.

It included a finance manager and a word processor, and for a time was the responsibility of Melinda French, who later became Mrs Bill Gates. But the typeface it used was Times New Roman, which Connare judged to be a strange choice. It was a little harsh and schoolmasterly, not to say boring. Meme Songsmith. Meme Windows 7 Launch Party. Site Skype. Site Mixer. Subculture Microsoft Flight Simulator Meme Clip Art Covers.

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Microsoft designer Vincent Connare saw an early version of Bob that used Times New Roman in these bubbles, and he felt that it was too formal for the playful aesthetic.

He went to work on designing a new font. Connare based Comic Sans off of the lettering in these two comic books, and within a week, he had finished the font, having drawn it on his Mac computer. Comic Sans missed the boat on Bob, but the programmers of another Microsoft product took notice. Microsoft 3D Movie Maker also used cartoon guides who spoke with speech bubbles.


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