What does buckler mean in psalm 91

I am assuming the non-dominant arm, since the dominant arm carries the sword. But I am not an expert on medieval warfare, that is just my assumption. In a real life situaton where buckler and a shield were the weapons available, what hand picks what is not relevant and here is why: Efective fighting takes training, and training is for that very training becomes natural, an effective reaction to overcome an adversary. That is how scripture declares we have been made more than conquerors ….. Train every day….

I have sought to understand what a buckler was for decades, and until now I remained ignorant waiting for God.. Thank you for finding the answer I could not find. God uses whatever it takes to reveal to us what we ask of Him. Hello Joan, thank you so much for stopping by today and for leaving your encouraging comment.

Please do come back again! I think the Shield represents Gods protection of his angels and buckler represents our knowledge and application of our faith of the Word. Gods Messenger and Gods Witness are in tandem double defense against the devil. God watches your back, while your faith can be concerned of your front, so in our faith God fights with us like two soldiers back to back in a war zone. I studied further and saw the difference between a shield and a buckler it was explained very well thank you would you please email me a break down of ps.

So then God, his truth, is our help and protection in things great and small, our shield and buckler! Thanx, clarification is a beautiful thing! It is indeed! You are so very welcome Andrea, thank you for visiting today.

This was awesome break down. Love it. Keep on doing What you do for the Glory of God. Is it possible this means a shield in one hand a buckler in the other?

It says nothing about a sword so maybe God is the Sword and the righteous our protector and with faith in him we need only wear the armor he provides. I believe the shield is in one hand and the buckler in the other.

However, if the sword is the Word of God, as in Eph , then we still wield our offensive weaponry by speaking that Word which overcomes the enemy with our mouth! He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary. Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible. Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges. That passage may possibly have touched the imagination of this psalmist, when he here employs the same general metaphor, but with a distinct and significant difference in its application.

In the former image the main idea is that of training and sustaining. Here the main idea is that of protection and fostering. On the wing and under the wing suggest entirely different notions, and both need to be taken into account in order to get the many-sided beauties and promises of these great sayings. Now there seems to me here to be a very distinct triad of thoughts. There is the covering wing; there is the flight to its protection; and there is the warrant for that flight.

A word then, first, about the covering wing. Now, the main idea in this image is, as I have suggested, that of the expanded pinion, beneath the shelter of which the callow young lie, and are guarded. Whatever kites may be in the sky, whatever stoats and weasels may be in the hedges, the brood are safe there.

The image suggests not only the thought of protection but those of fostering, downy warmth, peaceful proximity to a heart that throbs with parental love, and a multitude of other happy privileges realised by those who nestle beneath that wing. But while these subsidiary ideas are not to be lost sight of, the promise of protection is to be kept prominent, as that chiefly intended by the Psalmist. The one is that of outward dangers, the other is that of temptation to sin and of what we may call spiritual foes.

Now, these two regions and departments in which the Christian man does realise, in the measure of his faith, the divine protection, exhibit that protection as secured in two entirely different ways. It is of no use trying to persuade ourselves that that is not so.

The physical external event may be entirely the same to him as to another who is not covered with His feathers.

Here are two partners in a business, the one a Christian man, and the other is not. A common disaster overwhelms them. They become bankrupts. Is insolvency the same to the one as it is to the other? He began his journey to prove the contradictions to the astrological facts. His is the most interesting story because on his way to prove them wrong, he actually ended up accepting it. Not only accept but further work on it, know and share about his learnings. We are sure you will love his work on mytodayshoroscope.

Believing in the promises of redemption and the Love of Jesus Christ for his children, I woke up thinking about this Psalm of hope. Almighty God creator of Heaven and Earth of everything finite and infinite, has the absolute power of everything good and everything bad Psalm 91, is the rest of our soul and the hope that we seek day by day, I trust in Jehovah blessed in our Lord Jesus Christ and the holy spirit, the holy trinity, Amen.

Jesus Guzman I have being claiming this scripture for years; miracles has happening in our life. Thank you Jesus for one more day of life of loving you and blessing you, thank you for my children and my family, that you will have work doors and all plague will go away. In your name, heavenly father, thank you for all the blessings that you give me. Thank you God for this beautiful day that you gave me, I ask you for all the people who now fight in hospitals for this disease such as covid19, beloved father that nobody needs food, father I ask you for the people who now they are on the street sleeping exposing themselves to viruses and pollution.

Beloved father I ask you for the people who read this message, protect them with your wings, beloved father. Happy day everyone, God bless you. I believe what's happening these days like the corona virus are signs that the Lord is coming soon. If you have not repented and accepted the Lord as your Saviour the time to do ut is now. We are all guests in this earth. Young and old, rich and poor. We have to go and we can't bring one single things, except our good spiritual done..

Praise you oh LORD.. This has taught me that nothing is permanent even human lives. But the word of God will remain and last long until the world ends and Jesus Christ returns on his created home.? This is a reminder that this wold is not our permanent home.

The end is real. The second coming will surely come so let us Christians double our time to obey God's command to share the good news to the lost Unfortunately many people also believe that God heals all who ask in the way they tell Him to. God does not abide by our rules. My 9 year old and I both deal with moderate to severe asthma.

It is my responsibility as his mother both to protect him and to protect my health so I will be around to care for him. The kill rate of this virus is not the only consideration. The American Journal of Medicine posted last month a study that states the severity of the virus, if contracted, is shown to be less severe, with fewer lasting side effects when the viral load is reduced by mask wearing and social distancing.

Our health, our medical bills and our comfort are in a better place when we do this simple thing. This is wisdom, not fear. I had a son who spent 2 years in hospital with Asthma. Stopped breathing twice. Had a trac tracheostomy , so I know about Asthma. I would not stop believing for his healing!!!! When he finally was released from the hospital, he came home with the trac tracheostomy and 11 medications , but I refused to give into his sickness but declared healing over him everyday.

I believe in being as "wise as s serpent and harmless as a dove," like the bible says. We were told to expect him not to make it a number of times, so I know what your saying BUT God's word supersedes the Medical diaganosis! He is married with the 2 most beautuful children. Was a youth pastor for over 10 years and works for a large company n travels worldwide. He does heal ALL of our diseases! Life is full of pitfalls and snares, and we often make wrong choices, but it is comforting to know that no matter what trials we may be called upon to face, or what foolish choices we have made in the past, we can go to the Lord and ask Him for godly insight and spiritual understanding, and He has promised to give us all that is needed for the task.

And we should never waste the circumstances of life, but ask for His wisdom as well.. My sister who is blind was asked by a priest in her Nursing facility, how do you walk? She answered ,"By Faith and not by Sight". She now has Covid. Because about the Typhoon in My Country's Philippines everyday I need to believing me in loving caring God in my life for my safe in life,???????

God bless everyone Amen. When I did lost everything and even turned away from the Lord but now everyday is a new to keep getting up and do harder? I believe that Isaiah 53 prophesy what Jesus was going to suffer for all mankind forgiveness for sin and by His stripes we are healed Jesus fulfilled it In the gospels,Peter saw Jesus suffered and died on the cross after Jesus was beaten and whipped with stripes on his back and Peter wrote in1Peter So I believe, and I was healed from a lot of hereditary diseases.

He also forgive us all our sins. In fact you will find most of our modern English translations will render this as faithfulness. It also carries the idea of reliability. You can get the idea of truth from these words because faithfulness and reliability both express the idea of certainty which is what truth is.

When we say truth we automatically think of a statement being accurate. What is being expressed is that God is faithful, dependable, trustworthy and stable. If a woman marries a man who is stable we think of one who has high integrity, who will keep his word and who will fulfill his duties.

If a woman marries a man who is truthful , we will think that he will at least be honest with her, but that does not mean he will always be dependable. The shield lies in the fact that it is dependable to keep us safe. This dependability is a shield. The word shield is tsinnah which is often used for the English word shield or more accurately a large shield.

But it is also used to express the idea of a hook or bard. It also expresses the idea of coolness or cold like snow. The relationship between these words is that a hook or barb is able to set up a barrier or shield by the mere fact of its prickliness. Some time ago I drove past the State prison in Joliet, Illinois. I saw a chain link fence surrounding the prison and on top of the fence were rolls of barbed wire. It was up there to discourage anyone from trying to climb the fence.

Once they reached the prickly barb wire the thorns in the wire would create hundreds of painful punctures to the skin. I also drove by a cemetery had a more decretive shield to keep people from climbing the fence. There were hooks at the top of the fence and anyone trying to climb the fence ran the risk of getting impaled by one of the hooks or the tsinnah. Throughout history wars have been stymied by the mere fact of the cold snowy weather.


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